Health – a segregated approach

A noticeable segregation between allopathic and alternative health corresponds with the development of Homeopathy and is prior to the general acceptance (1885) of germ theory. The founder of Homeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), invented the word allopathic (allos ‘opposite’, pathos ‘suffering) to describe medical treatments of the day. Hahnemann was dismayed by the medical treatments he observed, such as the use of highly toxic drugs, bleeding and purging, that he withdrew from practicing medicine. Hahnemann later returned to medicine through his research and developed Homeopathy. Many of his medical colleagues observed the outcomes he achieved with his holistic approach. Some Read More

Holism in Health

Vincent Di Stefano points out in his book Holism and Complementary Medicine ‘…the concept of holism that underpins complementary medicine practice is not a recent development’, as indicated by this historical statement “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” (Aristotle, 384–322 BC) Aristotle’s statement appears simple but the more it is consider the more complex it become as we investigate what those parts are in relation to human ailments. In my experience health is about a state of being that involves a level of peace with all of the parts of the world around us. I see Read More